February 2020 Freebie Wallpaper Download

I love the Catalan tradition of exchanging roses and books between sweethearts, loved ones and colleagues. "A rose for love and a book forever." Though it is celebrated on April 23 (Día de San Jorge) I'd much prefer books over frivolous confections on Valentine's Day. The library is one of my all-time FAVORITE places. I check out as many books as I can carry with topics ranging from color theory and gardening to storybooks by my favorite illustrators and nonfiction best sellers. Currently on my desk is Botanicum by Kathy Willis and Katie Scott. It's a wonder, a feast of botanical knowledge with brilliant Illustrations. A book of my own heart. Anyway in the spirit of love here is my latest wallpaper ready to download. A canvas of subtle blush tones with a hint of pink and pale violet.