May 2020 Freebie Wallpaper Download

"A smile makes you master of yourself." So… "Find what brings you joy and go there!"
—Thich Nhat Hanh and Jan Phillips respectively
With so much out of our control, it's through mindfulness that we find we have more reasons to be happy than we thought. But who can be at peace in a time like this? On my best days, I've struggled with the same question and my own guilt. Causing ourselves to suffer needlessly, however, will not improve the suffering of others. Coping doesn't mean we are apathetic, or that we don't understand the gravity of our situation. Coping means we are equipped to provide support to our loved ones, friends, neighbors, community. It means that we've found gratitude in the present moment and aren't worried about future moments. If today, this moment right now is the only thing we have control over, then influence it with a smile. This is as much a reminder for me as anyone else. It took all the creative energy I could muster to paint this month's wallpaper, but I'm glad I did. I hope it brightens up your space and maybe even your day. If you need a reason to smile — Quokkas — look them up. You won't be able to resist! Stay safe and be well my friends.